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Spring Term - Whole Enchilada

Spring term begins Monday, January 4, 2021, and runs through the spring recital day, which is usually nine days before Memorial Day. Accounting for breaks, this is a total of 18 lesson weeks over 5 invoice months.

We will have no lessons or reschedules over spring break in March. There will also be a few days off in February and April (see below). Mini gigs are scheduled for March 12 and April 16. A few weeks before recital, we will start our series of weekend performance classes as recital prep. On weekends with lovely weather, pop-up jam sessions may be announced — if you’d like to host one, let’s do it.

The spring recital will cap off our term on Saturday, May 22, 2021. Then we’ll have a two-week break before summer term begins on June 7.

December 19

Winter Break 2020-2021

February 1

I Love Rehearsing (14-Day Rehearsal Challenge)