Studio Week, Recital, Debrief Week, Breather

The week of May 14 is studio week. That means that all lessons during that week take place in my home studio, regardless of where we normally meet.

The purpose is to give you an opportunity to perform in a different environment before the big day.  It's like a dress rehearsal. But you don't need to get all fanced up for studio week (unless it will help you -- then by all means, get fancy). In addition, I may be able to give you a little extra time as I won't be traveling.

During the post-recital week lesson (in the normal location), we will take a good look at your progress and musical goals. We'll talk about your performance at the recital, how your preparation got you there, lessons learned, highlights, and how to continue to grow musically. It'll be a lot like a clear-eyed growth spurt. It's great.

Many music teachers count the recital as the following week's lesson, which we are doing, but we're putting it off a week so we can debrief and make plans for growth. But then we'll all finally take a well earned breather during the week of Memorial Day. No lessons May 28 - June 1.

  • May 14 - 18 (studio week): all lessons at Ms. Lauren's home studio during your normal time slots
  • Saturday, May 19: recital (the day of the show, y'all)
  • May 21 - 25 (debrief week): feedback and goals at normal lesson locations
  • May 28 - June 1 (breather week): relax

Recital Info


May 19 is the Spring Recital